📄️ Template engine
📄️ Text Attribute
Add Markdown or React files to src/pages to create a standalone page:
📄️ Data Attribute
The $data attribute is a feature that allows you to initialize reactive data
📄️ @click Attribute
The @click directive allows you to attach click event listeners to elements in
📄️ on:click Attribute
The on:click directive allows you to attach click event listeners to elements
📄️ If and Else Attribute
These directives enable you to conditionally render elements based on the
📄️ Show Attribute
The $show directive is not directly present in the provided code snippet.
📄️ Toggle Attribute
📄️ Src Attribute
The src attribute is a standard HTML attribute used to specify the source URL for embedded content, such as images, scripts, or iframes.
📄️ Delay Attribute
The $delay directive is used to introduce a delay before executing an action, typically on click events.
📄️ Bind Attribute
The $bind directive creates a two-way binding between form inputs and data properties.
📄️ Save Attribute
The $save directive is used to persist specific state properties to local storage.
📄️ Model Attribute
The $model directive creates a two-way data binding between form inputs and
📄️ Class Attribute
The $class directive is used to dynamically apply CSS classes to elements based
📄️ Style Attribute
The $style directive is used to dynamically apply inline styles to elements
📄️ Attr Attribute
The $attr directive is used to dynamically bind HTML attributes to data
📄️ ForLoop Attribute
The $for directive is used for rendering lists of items dynamically.
📄️ format Attribute
Based on the provided code, the $format directive is not directly implemented.
📄️ Suspense Attribute
The $suspense directive is used to handle conditional rendering based on a