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on:click Attribute

The on:click directive allows you to attach click event listeners to elements in your HTML markup.


To use the on:click directive, add it to any HTML element followed by the JavaScript expression or function call you want to execute when the element is clicked.

<button on:click="handleClick">Click me</button>


  • Direct Expression Execution: You can include JavaScript expressions directly in the on:click attribute.
  • Function Calls: You can call functions defined in your application's scope.
  • Access to Event Object: The event object is automatically passed to your handler, allowing you to access event properties.
  • Access to Reactive System: The reactive instance is available in the handler, giving you access to the framework's reactivity system.


  • Incrementing a counter
<button on:click="$.count++">Increment</button>
  • Calling a function
<button on:click="handleSubmit">Submit</button>
  • Using the event object:
<div on:click="console.log(">Log clicked element</div>
  • Conditional logic:
<button on:click="$.isActive ? deactivate : activate">Toggle</button>
  • The expression in on:click is executed in the global scope, so make sure your functions and variables are accessible globally.
  • If the result of the expression is a function, it will be immediately invoked.
  • Error handling is built-in, and any errors during execution will be logged to the console.